Thursday, November 12, 2009

year of living biblically

for chapter 4 write an extension of one of the annotations you make in your book. In other words, taking something you found in your reading from chapter 4 develop an inquiry, mini-research, a tangential point or some sort of extension on what you read and develop an organized paragraph diving into something you found interesting.

actually I found this whole book interesting because it felt like this book was explaining my situation: secular and skeptical, but decided to be spiritual or religious in desire to experience more than my usual life as I grew maturer. there are a lot of quotes that make me feel as if it were my biography, such as "my parents were always in favor of experimentation", "freedom form choice, I'd always been taught to fetishize freedom of choice." and other better quotes in different chapters. the difference between him and me is that I decided to be a few years ago but haven't advanced much whereas he started a few months ago and has become way more spiritual. It might be because of the age or that I haven't initiated those kind of fixed rituals. I have been meaning to attend this thing called Vipassana Association that Gretchen introduced. basically what I am supposed to do in that seminar is live for a week without talking, whose purpose I guess is to feel disconnected from a busy world and to appreciate what I have such as ability to talk. which is the meaning of Sabbath and the exact description of what happened in a bathroom with Jacob. I also thought If I were forced, I would achieve faster just like he was forced to be trapped in the bathroom. even though It' involuntary, the result might be the same. that's why I want to go to this association.
sometimes, I feel envious or jealous of him because I feel like he is achieving so much as shown in a paragraph describing himself as more passionate person than before. I am looking forward to reading more of it

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