Compare and Contrast: Theravada and Mahayana
| Theravada | Mahayana |
Rituals | No birth or marriage, but death and funeral ceremonies. Spirit ceremony for illness or new homes. Initiation ceremony for males entering the Sangha and ordination ceremony on becoming a monk. | More lay orientated Sangha, initiation ceremonies ofr monks. Both have pilgrimages. More elaborate ceremonies for funerals |
Sacred Texts | Focus on the Pali Canon (Tipitaka) that was passed down orally from the Buddha to the five arhats to the monastic order. Therefore scriptural knowledge and wisdom (panna) are important pursuits | Focus on scriptures about the many Buddha and Bodhisattvas. So Shastra (commentary) is considered significant as well as Agamas (early scriptures from appearing schools) |
Doctrines/Beliefs | Siddhartha Gotama is the ultimate authority. Monks are given more authority than lay people. Monks aim for Nirvana while lay people aim for a good rebirth | The Buddha with other Bodhisattvas. Everyone can achieve Nirvana. |
Religious Experiences | All boys are required to spend some time in monastery: monastic life is ideal. Males are superior to females, who are even described negatively as it seems related to reproduction and samsara. | Daily devotion (puja) and service to monks. Female bodhisattvas. |
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