Does sense perception perform fundamentally distinct functions in the arts and sciences? To what extent does the artist make an advantage out of the subjective nature of sense perception, while the scientist regards it as an obstacle to be overcome?
Thesis: sense perception performs fundamentally distinct functions in the arts and sciences; Artists flourish on subjective interpretation of individual sense perception whereas scientists are hindered from gaining objective data, something close to the absolute truth, by sense perception.
Definition of sense perception, subjective, objective.
Sense perception is a mechanism by which information is received about one's external or internal environment. Stimuli received by nerves, in some cases through specialized organs with receptor cells sensitive to one type of stimulus, are converted into impulses that travel to specialized areas of the brain, where they are analyzed. (Britannia concise)
4 ways of knowing
sense perception-sight, hear, touch, smell, taste
Body 1: artists flourish on subjective interpretation of individual sense perception
Artists make extraordinary pieces by their unique perception, or way of interpretation. For viewers, appreciation involves value judgment, which is subjective interpretation of individual sense perception.
- René Magritte
- surealism
On 12 March 1912, his mother committed suicide by drowning herself in the River Sambre
The image of his mother floating, her dress obscuring her face, may have influenced a 1927–1928 series of paintings of people with cloth obscuring their faces, including Les Amants
Magritte's work frequently displays a juxtaposition of ordinary objects in an unusual context, giving new meanings to familiar things
In 1926, Magritte produced his first surreal painting, The Lost Jockey (Le jockey perdu), and held his first exhibition in Brussels in 1927. Critics heaped abuse on the exhibition.
Surrealist patron Edward James allowed Magritte, in the early stages of his career, to stay rent free in his London home and paint. James is featured in two of Magritte's pieces, Le Principe du Plaisir (The Pleasure Principle) and La Reproduction Interdite.[5]
If it’s not enough, pull out cubism as well
Body 2: scientists are hindered from gaining objective data, something close to the absolute truth, by sense perception.
The world is flat, why? It looks flat to me
Can’t quantify sense perception. Can not prove. Failure in analysis of knowledge
Think about more examples
propositionanl knowledge
empirical knowledge
posteriori – experience
priori - sometimes
analysis of knowledge
Science is to reveal the truth.
So what is revealed by science should belong under pragmatic theory, or at least coherence theory.
-sense perception can be problematic
-nerve system isn’t always right
qualitative method, quantitative method
Repeat it brother
René Magritte." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 05 Oct. 2009 <>.
"Sense Perception." Britannica Concise. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc, 2008. Print.
Sense Perception." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 05 Oct. 2009 < 451015/Sense-perception>.